Megan Lunsford, M.B.A.

Megan Lunsford, M.B.A.

Executive Director, Ambulatory Operations

Megan Lunsford

Megan Lunsford, M.B.A., is the executive director of ambulatory operations for UC Davis Health. She oversees strategic planning and operational, system, and program management across nine hospital-based outpatient clinics. She evaluates facility, equipment, and staffing needs to maximize clinical efficiency while maintaining patient care standards. 

Prior to this role, Lunsford worked as manager of the UC Davis Spine Center, as well as the Sports Medicine Program. As an employee of UC Davis Health for over 20 years, she has honed valuable institutional knowledge of internal financial and business operations in addition to industry-wide trends in fiscal accountability and operational excellence. She and her team are committed to ensuring patients and community are served to the best of their ability. 

Originally from the Bay Area, Lunsford earned an M.B.A. from California State University, Sacramento and a B.S. in psychobiology from the University of California, Riverside. In 1996, she carried the Olympic torch as it traveled across the U.S., in recognition of her work with Special Olympics in the community.  

The best advice she has received is to enjoy every minute, all the ups and downs, all the turns and twists, but never forget the purpose of our work: to help healthy people stay healthy, to help the sick become well and healthy again, and most importantly to make all people live and do the best they can.