ReCHARGE Eligibility and Participation | UC Davis MIND Institute

ReCHARGE Eligibility and Participation

male participant

You may be eligible to participate!

Families with children who:

  • Participated in the first cycle of the ReCHARGE ECHO Study.
  • The child is between the ages of 8 and 20 years of age.
  • Able to come to the UC Davis MIND Institute.
  • Are willing to participate in annual follow ups.

What are the benefits of participation?

  • You may find satisfaction in contributing to research that speaks to help children with learning, social skills, behaviors, and mood disorders.
  • Parents and children will each receive a $50 gift card annually for completion of study forms, visits, and biological specimens.

What will my child and I be asked to do?

  • Attend a 30-minute phone appointment to re-consent into the ECHO Study.
  • Parents and their enrolled child(ren) will complete short online questionnaires about their medical history, development, mental and physical health, and environment. These questionnaires will be emailed annually and will take approximately 1 hour to complete.
  • Attend a 1-hour visit at the MIND Institute that includes one or both parents and your child. Trained study staff will conduct developmental and behavioral assessments of your child and collect various biological samples each year.
  • Provide biological samples such as blood, hair, urine, and baby teeth.

For more information visit the ECHO website