Specialty clinic makeover enhances patient experience

Children and families visiting the pediatric pulmonology, cardiology and endocrinology clinics are visually transported to a seaside town, complete with a pier, following the creation of a new, kid-friendly clinic waiting room. As part of our Patient Friendly Environment Initiative, the walls feature lighthouses, sea life and pirate ships. These colorful, themed murals help children relax and have inspired pediatric staff.

Support group helps children cope through a caregiver’s illness

The UC Davis Child Life and Creative Arts Therapy Department launched Coping Together, a group for children and adolescents who have a parent or caregiver with cancer or other serious illness. The support group provides opportunities for sharing, self-expression and coming together to explore coping strategies.

New teen lounge brings healing power of fun

Thanks to The Who and the rock band’s Teen Cancer America organization, a teen lounge was opened at UC Davis Children’s Hospital to help young patients recover from cancer or other medical conditions. The lounge offers video games, an Infinity Game Table, book library, movie collection, art corner, and a computer for homework or connecting with friends and family.

Aromatherapy program offers benefits to patients

AethereoSticks, a personal aromatherapy device infused with essential oils, is a scentsational new option to reduce patient anxiety, increase relaxation and alleviate nausea. In 2020, the aromatherapy program launched in the Pediatric and Cardiac Intensive Care Unit and Pediatric Infusion Center and has now expanded into 18 units throughout the hospital.