Sustainability is hiring students! Learn more about current opportunities
Text reads "Vision, direction and support for sustainability in all its dimensions." Photos of produce, a doctor and a class taking place.


Sheep Shift Climate Poetry

What words come to mind when you think about climate change? Urgency? Innovation? Carbon-free? Now, imagine those very words adorning the fluffy coats of sheep, transforming them into living symbols of our sustainability goals. Only at UC Davis could such a whimsical, yet meaningful event take place.

Seeing green? UC Davis Health re-engineers recycling to reduce landfill waste

Throughout the main UC Davis Health campus, bright green signs now appear in break rooms, nursing stations, offices, clean utility rooms, and just about everywhere else. Look closer and you’ll see that these pops of color are part of a new recycling program that ensures re-usable materials reach one destination: the recycling plant.

Sustainability team hosts multiple Earth Month activities

Each year, UC Davis Health celebrates Earth Month with different events and programs throughout the month, and this year is no different. The sustainability team welcomes you to join them at a variety of fun programs, including Earth Month Bingo, another Sustainability Walking Tour, and an exciting Earth Month Celebration.