Didactics for the combined trained resident follow the categorical family medicine and psychiatry programs. Categorical didactics consist of the following:

All residents attend the didactics for the rotation to which they are assigned (family medicine or psychiatry). Family medicine didactics occur one to two afternoons a week with all family medicine residents and repeat topics approximately every 18 months. Topics are broad-based, with information critical for family physicians, including topics on organ systems (cardiology, nephrology, gastroenterology), management of gynecologic/obstetric problems, sports medicine/orthopedics, social issues related to advocacy and community activism, as well as physician wellness and Balint groups.  Psychiatry didactics are different by class and occur one afternoon per week.  Psychiatry didactics are seminar-based and include topics on psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, trauma-informed care, cultural psychiatry, community psychiatry, advocacy, and professional development.

Over five years of training, the combined resident is able to capture the majority of educational experiences offered throughout the full three and four year regular curriculums in family medicine and psychiatry respectively.

MPC (Med-Psych Conference)

All family medicine and psychiatry residents are encouraged to attend these weekly conferences held in conjunction with the internal medicine and psychiatry program. The first week of each month is dedicated to a journal article presented by a combined resident. The second week features a faculty presentation, while the third week is a presentation by a combined resident. All topics are intended to focus on topics of interest to primary care medicine and psychiatry.